ANFO explosive mixtures
Classic ANFO explosive mixtures are two-components Systems made of pulled porous ammonium-nitrate And diesel fuel as sensitize.
DEMULEX explosives
DEMULEX are chrged emulsion explosives Of "water in oil " type. Microbaloons are used as Sensitizers. They are manufactured whit and without Ai-powder. They fall into a group of Extremely safe water-resistant explosives.
DETONEX explosives
Thanks to water and appropriate thickeners which Are their components, these explosive shave Mushy-plastic consistence, big sen sate and Excellent water resistance.
AMONEX explosives can be used in dry and wet bore holes, and as they are dissoluble, they are not suitable for blasting in boreholes white water. Explosives of AMONEX type must not be used in Methane working conditions.
Pumped "SLURRY" explosives
DEMEX explosives
Explosives od DEMEX type are tho low brisance Commerial explosives, which due to their mining-tehnical characteristics, can be used for different kind of special mining.